Data, RPA, IT & Network solution

ksv academy

We are the expert on Microsoft 365 Platform, Data Collection System development, Robotic Process Automation (RPA),  IT & Network Solution, Software and Website Development, Our services can reduce your work hard and change to work smart, change your borring rutine work to automation, We will be your partner that can be stand by your side and growing up with your bussiness to achieve your goal.

CEO Statement

Our goals as a team include providing support, guidance, and motivation to help you succeed, As we look ahead, it’s important to stay diligent and committed to our objectives. Let’s keep working together towards success!, We are focused on developing new products and initiatives that will move our business forward. Let’s continue to innovate and create solutions that can help us reach our goals.



Keomany Sackdavong 

Director and Chief of Developer